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Connect with Me: Video Interaction Guidance

This program is included on the Victorian School Readiness
Funding Menu of Evidence which can be found at the below link:





Connect with Me has been developed to translate the research evidence behind building healthy social and emotional development in children 0-5yrs through purposively shaping secure, predictable and sensitive responses and interactions into our everyday interaction moments. Research has shown that by decoding everyday interactions between educators and children captured on video and supporting educators to use these moments as meaningful opportunities, we can enhance children’s pro-social skills, cooperation skills and better develop emotional regulation and competency. Video playback is used as a unique reflective tool to explore and practice how this is achieved. Video interaction guidance teaches the ‘how to’ of upskilling children’s social and emotional development and improve relationship attunement and security.


A word on Video Interaction Guidance (VIG):

VIG is a common approach to observation in the research world. Watching video of ourselves and the children in our care is a fantastic way to capture the small moments of significance and fine tune our relational interactions with children. This program uses video to highlight individual strengths and support enhanced observations. We focus only on the helpful moments of interaction. 

The video we ask you to capture is 3-5 minutes in length and usually in a ‘free play’ scenario. Whatever your position – whether you want to jump right in or are a little hesitant – we’ll walk you through it.


Connect with Me has been designed to be delivered flexibly without compromising on the integrity of the program and the skill development for staff. You can choose from four options - Concepts Class, Collaborate, Individual or E mini-series.



          Option 1:

Connect with Me – Concepts Class 

(2-hour group professional development)


The Concepts Class is a 2-hour group professional development course that covers the topics explored in "Nurturing Social & Emotional Development in Children Through Everyday Connection Moments". The purpose of this session is to introduce current perspectives on children's social-emotional development, attachment theory, the use of supportive communication and how we can integrate this research into our practice. This component is available face-to-face or online, please see below for further details.


          Option 2:

Connect with Me – Collaborate 

(3-hour intro group session, 4 x 4:1 group mentoring session, can range from 2 - 4 participants in group mentoring)


Introductory group session “Nurturing Social & Emotional Development in Children Through Everyday Connection Moments”. The purpose of this session is to introduce current perspectives on children's social-emotional development, attachment theory, Marte Meo concepts and how we can integrate this research into our practice. The session will explore the purposeful strategies required to read the developmental message behind behaviour, which in turn will enhance children’s pro-social skills, cooperation skills and emotional regulation. This component is available face-to-face or online, please see below for further details.


Collaborative Video Interaction Guidance Mentoring Sessions: The collaborative approach comprises of four 1-hour collaborative mentoring sessions that take place over the course of the kindergarten term. A minimum of two videos are reviewed in each collaborative mentoring session, drawing on observations from peers and providing an opportunity to develop collective practices.


          Option 3:

Connect with Me – Individual

(3-hour intro group session, 4 x 1:1 mentoring sessions)

Introductory group session “Nurturing Social & Emotional Development in Children Through Everyday Connection Moments”. The purpose of this session is to introduce current perspectives on children's social-emotional development, attachment theory, Marte Meo concepts and how we can integrate this research into our practice. The session will explore the purposeful strategies required to read the developmental message behind behaviour, which in turn will enhance children’s pro-social skills, cooperation skills and emotional regulation. This component is available face-to-face or online, please see below for further details.


Individual Video Interaction Guidance Mentoring Sessions: 3-5 minutes of video is captured by the participant or colleague of an everyday interaction moment between the participant and a child in their care. The video is used for discussion and reflection with the Connect with Me consultant in mentoring sessions. The purpose of these sessions is to reflect on practice and embed the Marte Meo approach of supportive communication principles. This component comprises of four 30-minute individual sessions that are offered through an online platform (Zoom, MS Teams). Mentoring sessions are best delivered fortnightly over a Kindergarten term.


          Option 4:

Connect with Me – E-mini series

(E-module + printable content)


A packaged e-module and printable content that delivers the foundational approach of supportive communication and an introduction to the techniques designed to support and activate social and emotional development in the kindergarten setting. To be undertaken at your leisure.



Delivery of Introductory Sessions:

Concepts Class -

This component is available face-to-face (for kindergartens with min 8 participants) or online and is a 2-hour time commitment. This component can be hosted at the kindergarten (min 8 – max 20 participants) or the participant/s can join scheduled online training session dates. 


Collaborate & Individual -

This component is available face-to-face (for kindergartens with min 8 participants) or online and is a 3-hour time commitment. This component can be hosted at the kindergarten (min 8 – max 20 participants) or the participant/s can join scheduled online training session dates. 



Connect with Me Concepts Class, Individual and Collaborate group session can be delivered online and or face to face (Min 8 – Max 20). Parent House host the online sessions as a private booking (Min 8 - Max 20) or participants can choose to join an arranged date. 




Target Audience:

Early childhood, school, nursing and Allied Health professionals. These program can also be tailored to suite parents and parent groups– please contact PH for costs.


School Readiness Funding
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