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At Parent House, we know a lot about relationships and are passionate advocates for investing in the development of secure connections between children and their significant adults. The essence of children’s early relationships (with their parent or significant adult) lays the foundation for the way in which they will relate to other people, and how they feel about themselves for the rest of their lives (we develop children’s social and emotional competency!). Parents and significant adults have an optimal time to make an impact on this, and this time is during the first 5 years. 


How do we know this? 

Why is this time so important? 

Why do Parent House approach the first 5 years in the way that we do? 


We know it can be hard to decide on what the best advice might be, especially when it comes to the important job of parenting, educating and relationships. That’s why we felt it was essential that we provided a space for everyone to access the hard evidence…. the science.


This is where Parent House comes in. We can bridge the disconnect between what you know and what you do. We will leave it up to you to decide how much you want to delve into the research behind the practice. In this section we will regularly provide a variety of research that supports what we deliver at Parent House.

Father and Son
Girl at School
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